Sunday, April 27, 2008

Zoo Pictures

Agggggggh! Don't eat me Mr. Seal!
I totally dig eucalyptus... and BBQ chicken head.


Anonymous said...

Mclovin, didn't you worry that they were not going to let you leave the zoo. I had that scare when I was visiting the San Diego zoo. They thought I was one of the penguins that lived there.


Anonymous said...

Mclovin, sorry to tell you, but pandas eat bamboo, not eucalyptus. That's koalas.

Penguin.. I mean, McLovin said...

To the first guy;

This Panda is Ted. He likes eucalytus, I like eucalytus. Don't box us in with your prejudges and stereotypes.

To Opus;

Come to think about it, the zoo was a stupid idea.