Monday, May 26, 2008

Cancun Circus

So... I'm looking for a good ink artist and instead I find the Mayan Circus or something. These guys are performing and acient Mayan maypole dance for money. They danced around on the ground for a bit, then climbed the pole a swung around.

Ancient Mayans used to clean up doing this. These new guys are doing ok I guess. I mean people were throwing pesos... but pesos are coins and they look like they hurt. I nailed one guy when he got low. His name is Chico. Chico says there is this guy named Grande who's pretty good doing characters from Padre de Familia. Here is some of his work.
Niiiiiice, huh.

1 comment:

Todd M. Shackelford said...

Tell me that was a leg or something.