Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Ink in Mexico

Well, I'm in Mexico, so I think that means I should start drinking and get some ink done. Please answer my new poll and help me decide what I should get where.

There has to be a bar around here somewhere. All these buildings look alike.
That's going to make it hard to get home when I'm tanked.


Todd M. Shackelford said...

You should get barcode or a "13".

Anonymous said...

You should get a belly button tattooed where one would be if you had one. I think that would make all the girls fall for you. Don't get Elizalde inked on you. You may never find her again and will have a forever reminder on you if you had her inked on you.


Anonymous said...

A T-Shirt Tuxedo Tattoo would be so awesome.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mclovin-
Get a hold of a copy of the World Herald. Have someone take a picture with you and the paper in Mexico. Then send it to the Herald. See Sunday ETA page 8E bottom portion for more details. This could pay for your next trip!


What did you decide about the tattoo