Thursday, March 26, 2009

Monday, March 23, 2009

New York City

Well, Phil finally showed up to give me a ride back to the office. We were just getting ready to go get a cab when I got the feeling that airport security was ethincally profiling us. We ducked into a restroom, which according to the urnial bisquit, is the cleanest airport restroom in the world. Anyway I heard them talking about us on their radio, so we leaped in some guys bag.

Next thing you know We are in New York City. 

Friday, March 20, 2009

Waiting on Phil

Phil is supposed to pick me up at the airport. I wonder what the problem is?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Corpus Christi, Texas Children's Museum

It rained again here today, so I decided to check out the city instead of the beach. They have a really cool Childrens Museum here. I especially like the Lego dinosaur. There is a cool TV studio there too where you can make you own shows. Mine was awesome. It was about a sexy penguin.
Here is a picture of the dinosaur's insides.
I left after this because I found out you can not buy or drink acohol at the Childrens Museum.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Montreal Canada

Here is a picture of the Auberge Les Bons Matins Hotel and Stick shop. Its a hang out for local skunk trappers, hockey players and french chef types. The sculture in the background is, well, an insult to sculptures everywhere.

I'm going to go ahead and give you the short version of my trip to Canada.
  • Everybody speaks French.
  • Their sculptures suck.
  • I had a lot to drink.
  • I said stuff to frenchie about them starting the Iraq war.
Here is a picture of me hitch-hiking about to the land of the free.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Minneapolis Rotary Club

And now a quick slide show from my vacation to Minneapolis. 

First stop the Minneapolis Rotary Club. Awe Snap! that darn thins is upside down.
Turn your head a little. It actually a very nice banner. They are very nice people there doing good things. 

Pictured below is Barbie and Kelley. They have regular jobs when they are not modeling. Barbie does something with string theory and Kelley is a brain surgeon/lawyer. I found them very stimulating mentally. It's nice to meet people that you can have a conversation with about something besides American Idol.
After the meeting Barbie, Kelley and I got got really drunk and agreed to never speak about what happened that night ever again. I put in a clause to blog about it though.
This is the park where I woke up. I don't think that is my barf by the refuse canister. It is definitely not my barf, because no matter how drunk I get, I would never eat corn and peanuts in one sitting.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What the Hey?

I must have made a wrong turn somewhere. I'm turn around now. I should be home 15 minutes late.

Monday, March 2, 2009


It is sometimes tough for me to get the flights I want. I'm getting closer to home though. Today I ended up in Denver. Here is a picture in the airport. It's hard to tell but those are birds hanging out over one of the moving walkways.

This is a picture of the desolate waste land that they built this airport on. Local legend says the Denver airport is built on an ancient penguin burial ground. That gives me the oinking monkeys just  thinking about it.
Anyway, I had a beer and went out to find some old relatives. Nothing yet, just a really old cup some dude's wallet "James Hoffa" I think, and a big flying disk.