Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Airport Trivia

10.  AMERICAN AIRLINES saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one olive from each salad       served in first class.

9.   The abbreviation ORD for Chicago's O'Hare airport comes from the old name "Orchard Field."

8.   Apparently Delta Air Lines spends $8 million a year on wine alone.

7.  BRITISH AIRWAYS passengers consume  40.5 tons of Chicken in 1 year.

6.  I eat twice that in squid alone.

5.  Penguins fly for free on most airlines, although they always loose my luggage.

4.  Dean Martin was in a movie called Airport in 1970. They made a sequel in 1975 called Airport 75 followed by Airport 77 in 1977 and Airport 79 in 1979.  There is a pattern if you look hard enough.

3. The Mile High club currently boasts 17 members. They also indicate that most people lie about being members, because you have to pay dues to belong. On a personal note, I have been a member since  2000.

2.  The Taiwan airport has excellent squid.

1.  The personal spaceship/hovercraft will make airports into the bus stations of the future.

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